An innovative and practical approach lies at the core of our PRO-PAYBACK® - Deep Dive sales skills training program.
We strive to turn intelligent new sales theories into practical applications that bring real-life and immediate results. Through the use of a unique blend of expert skills, behaviors, processes and selling methodologies, we show sales professionals how to approach, pitch to, win and retain clients.
By continuing to practice and hone the selling skills at the highest level using the 10 stages of the PRO-PAYBACK Selling® model the customer and/or prospect is guaranteed an offer that has been planned, prepared and delivered to gain their trust, attention and potentially their business.
As a professional sales person, you need the critical tools and means to connect and communicate with your customer and/or prospect by adapting your own style to suit theirs. This is when You Appeal® comes into its own. This is the way to guarantee that you personalize your approach to achieve maximum gain.

Quest Curriculum
- 12 Levels
- Coaching By CCM Consultancy
- Community Support
Level 01 Understanding Selling Styles
While there should be a clear progression from administrator to sales consultant style of selling, the reality is, each of these styles can be used effectively with the modern buyer–so long as the focus remains on delivering value to the buyer.
Level 02 'P' Planning & Preparation
As every good sales person knows, Planning and Preparation is the starting point in making things right. It is making sure that we know what is it that we need to do.
Level 03 'R' Research
The studies that we've done often show that customers want to know that the person they are buying from truly understands their business, and in order to do so we need to be able to research properly. And that means being able to understand what 'Research' really mean.
Level 04 'O' Objectives
Salespeople go from strength to strength as they appreciate the part each minor objective plays in reaching the final objective — the order. Every business and business person has objectives. Base your narrative on that and you change the discussion, direction and outcome.
Level 05 'P' Purpose
It is rare (though sometimes it happens) that your absolute first contact with a customer is face to face – you will usually have used the phone, email or social media to make an appointment and there must be an attractive ‘PURPOSE’ for the customer to agree to meet.
Level 06 'A' Attention
Once the overall purpose of the meeting is stated, you need to move quickly into establishing “if”, “why” and “how” they would enter into a business relationship with you. Using an attention getter sets the scene right away.
Level 07 'Y' You Investigate
Based on our annual global sales studies, buyers keeps telling us one thing "I want a sales person who's got great questioning and listening skills. Have we paused long enough to find out what is it that our customers need? Have we questioned them appropriately? Did we ask the right questions?
Level 08 'B' Benefits
We all know how to position our products and services through their features and benefits, however just relying on this is the downfall of most of us salespeople! Sales isn't all about experience... it takes grit, efficiency in adapting to change, and most of it is psychology.
Level 09 'A' Answer Objections
Objections are a natural and expected part of the sales process but they can often high jack our thinking. We can become defensive, our communication can close down, and we can feel stuck. The question is how can we keep our sales conversation moving?
Level 10 'C' Commit
This is really about asking for the business. Often, we pause here, we're unsure if it is the right time. Can we do so at this stage or do we have to wait? Whatever stage of the sales process you are at, the challenges and techniques for ‘winning commitment’ or ‘closing’ are the same.
Level 11 'K' Keep Developing
Statistics tell us that it is eight times easier to win repeat business than to start from a new relationship. Also, we have invested a lot of effort in winning a new customer so better to keep them!
Level 12 Take Action
Your commitment to translating your learning into ‘real-world activity’ is the most important part of this program! We've prepared the PRO-PAYBACK Selling Toolkit to help you integrate this sales approach into your daily selling routine.